Block referrer spam in nginx

Tired of having Analytics, Pingdom and other tools cluttered with irrelevant fake traffic? I created a really simple block for you to use in your site configuration file, usually found in /etc/nginx/sites-available/yoursitename.conf. [wpgist id=”027cdc630941bb905ae2″] If you have any more sites just add them with the pipe character between them.

My WordPress-development setup

When I was attending Sweden Social Web Camp(SSWC) 15th-18th of August 2013 there was a session on WordPress and Bootstrap, held by @jonkpirateboy at Follow Me Darling in which we discussed different methods to easily and quickly setup a good dev-environment without the hassles of having to minify css/js, set up menus, static first page etc. in WordPress. It ended… Fortsätt läsa My WordPress-development setup